
me (3:52:30 PM): tell me a fun story
Sequences boy (3:53:41 PM): hm
Sequences boy (3:53:50 PM): once upon a time six mice lived in a little farm in wessex
Sequences boy (3:54:12 PM): the six mice kept small animals that might easily be managed by creatures of so diminutive a stature as they knew themselves to be
Sequences boy (3:54:27 PM): for example, crickets, flies, and pet pebbles, but no geese
Sequences boy (3:54:52 PM): the six mice were named Albert, Bobby, Charles, Donald, Edward, Frank, and Guinevere
Sequences boy (3:54:56 PM): whoops
Sequences boy (3:55:01 PM): umm
Sequences boy (3:55:09 PM): the six mice kept aconcubine named Guinevere
me (3:55:12 PM): haha
me (3:55:21 PM): fabulous
me (3:55:52 PM): thanks 🙂
Sequences boy (3:56:13 PM): but nothing has happened yet
me (3:56:32 PM): well, if you wish to continue you may
me (3:56:38 PM): but you are of course under no obligation
me (3:56:58 PM): the fact that you began to tell me a story warms my heart
me (3:57:18 PM): *that you even began
Sequences boy (3:57:27 PM): well, i would narrate to you some of the true events that befell this family of seven mice
Sequences boy (3:57:35 PM): but really their existence was so mundane,
Sequences boy (3:57:41 PM): and the several occurrences that befell them so ordinary
Sequences boy (3:57:45 PM): that i fear the story would put you to sleep
me (3:57:57 PM): and what of the pets?
Sequences boy (3:58:00 PM): even if i chose only the most exciting events and arranged them with all the art that can be learned from books, or from experience.
Sequences boy (3:58:10 PM): i assume you are referring to the pebbles
me (3:58:15 PM): indeed i am
me (3:58:24 PM): and the crickets and so on
Sequences boy (3:58:50 PM): the ordinariness of their fate may serve to indicate just how uninteresting everything was in the mice farm
Sequences boy (3:58:59 PM): one day Charles was taking the pebbles for a walk
Sequences boy (3:59:11 PM): when he inextricably confounded them with the gravel lining the roadway
Sequences boy (3:59:18 PM): and lost his dear pets for ever and for ever
me (3:59:21 PM): oh my
me (3:59:23 PM): what a pity
me (3:59:34 PM): what did the children say?
Sequences boy (3:59:50 PM): oh there were no children
Sequences boy (3:59:53 PM): guinevere was barren
me (4:00:03 PM): i suppose that has its advantages
Sequences boy (4:00:05 PM): but no one in the neighborhood knew: all her six lovers kept quiet as a mouse

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